Saturday, April 14, 2007
தமிழ்ப் புத்தாண்டு நல் வாழ்த்துக்கள்
Friday, April 13, 2007
Customer Service - Couldn't be any better
My Canon A95 digital camera ran into some funny problem early this year and I was contemplating if I need to go in for a new one. To shell out 400-500 SGD for a basic digital camera was something I was not too convinced about. The DSLR models were 1100 upwards!
2 years since I bought the camera, and being out of warranty, I first settled to send the camera for service, get a quote and then decide on going in for a new one. Before sending it for service, not to be fooled, I did a bit of google (I've no clue where my life would head without Google) based on the symptoms and came across Canon's website which admitted defect in the CCD's supplied by Sony for several models. I was overjoyed to find mine in the list and the symptoms matching theirs and the best part, no warranty or proof of purchase required!
Immediately I set off to their Service Centre at Keppel Bay and gave the camera for service. While I was told that it would take 2 weeks for them to respond, if it is indeed the CCD problem, the same being fixed and delivered home, free of cost but if it is due to something else, then they'd revert with a quote. This actually sent butterflies again in my stomach. I came back to office with a confused mind and 3 days after I had sent in my camera for service, the same has been fixed and delivered home this morning!
I should say their customer service has exceeded my expectations though I was a bit disappointed after knowing that if the CCD problem could not be have been fixed, my camera would have been replaced with an equivalent current model! Joke's apart, hope this post of mine can help the needy one's who face similar problems.
Curse the lord!!!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
பாடலாசிரியருக்கு ஜெ!
காவிரி ஆறும் கை குத்தல் அரிசியும்
மறந்து போகுமா..?
ஓ..தாவணிப் பெண்களும் தூதுவிடும் கண்களும்
தொலைந்து போகுமா..?
உன்மையிலேயே இப்பாடல் வரிகள் சுவையானதா அல்ல அவை தமிழிலில் இருப்பதால் சுவையானதா என்பதை சாலமன் பாப்பையாவை வைத்துதான் பட்டி மன்றம் நடத்த வேண்டும் போல...
வாழ்க தமிழ்!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
How China could trigger a Dollar decline?

"China does not have to sell any of its existing dollar reserves to precipitate a decline in the dollar - all it has to do is stop accumulating dollars. The current US trade deficit with that country alone is running over $20 billion per month, and that is not an insignificant amount. If China stopped accumulating foreign reserves, those dollars would be sold into the foreign exchange markets and I expect that when that happens, the dollar will fall."
Monday, April 09, 2007
Broadband Speed Test
A very user friendly website, with exhaustive details like past results, country average, continental averages, etc. FYI, the site was revamped a few weeks ago. I personally felt the old one was good (is there anyone who likes a change???) but the revamped site has a lot of details, so I could probably live with the change ;-)
Oh, BTW, snapshot my connection below