The autorickshaw's in Chennai had been demanding for a revision (okay, an increase!) in the fare and after months and years of deliberation the fares were increased in January, early this year and the auto drivers were not too disappointed though they had some concerns. However, it is no secret or surprise that the auto drivers now use the revised fares to demand more and continue with their contract rates. Given that the demand for revision of minimum fare had been settled with the GoTN, the Tamil Nadu Auto Driver's Association has now called for a state wide strike on the 8th August citing various reasons as below;
a. Discontinue the act of cancelling the driving license of auto drivers causing road accidents
b. Provide allowance of Rs.5000 for auto's running on LPG
c. Implement ESI scheme for auto drivers
d. Increase the pension from Rs.400 to Rs.1000
e. Prevent ill treatment of auto drivers by the policemen
f. Curb the brokers domination in RTO's during the processing of FC's, Registration, etc
I've never liked the attitude of auto drivers in chennai city, for that matter in the whole of Tamil Nadu. Lessons from our neighbour, Karnataka, must be learnt in this aspect, who have every reason to boast of their reliable autorickshaw drivers.
The auto driver's and their "association", predominantly controlled by the politicians & policemen in Tamil Nadu is one bunch of unsettled, ever dissatisfied crowd and their knack to pick causes for going off the road and creating the stir should be observed.
I wish they go on strike starting 8th August till their demands are met 'coz I feel the state will be a lot cleaner and nicer, especially the traffic scene, with the auto's off the road, forever!
PS: Too bad I would not be in town to enjoy my drive through the chennai roads without the auto's...sigh...sob!