Saturday was okay, infact did nothing much and was home doing the usual household chores (hope my wife does'nt read this post), some shopping with my wife and kid in the evening.
Sunday started as early as 8 AM for us as we had planned to take our kid to the Kids Kampong at Pasir Ris with a few other freinds and their kids. We started around 10:30 am and reached the Kampong around 11 am. The kampong had various activities like fishing, fish feeding (both for kids), an aquarium, koi farm and a pet department store (was as big as a decently sized NTUC, whoa!)
The fishing bit was fun. We were provided with a fishing net, bucket with water, some fish feed, coupons for ice cream and water for the kids. At $11 per kid, it was indeed worth the price. However, all this did not impress my my three year old daughter who was terrified after having caught a fish. It was them my wife and me doing the fishing bit. I must say that the fishing bit was very exhaustive. Infact i was passing a comment to my wife that I seem to exert myself more at the fishing than a complete week at work! LOL. We managed to catch some fishes and gave it off to our friends for them coz we were not too sure of a place to grow them.
Sunday started as early as 8 AM for us as we had planned to take our kid to the Kids Kampong at Pasir Ris with a few other freinds and their kids. We started around 10:30 am and reached the Kampong around 11 am. The kampong had various activities like fishing, fish feeding (both for kids), an aquarium, koi farm and a pet department store (was as big as a decently sized NTUC, whoa!)
The fishing bit was fun. We were provided with a fishing net, bucket with water, some fish feed, coupons for ice cream and water for the kids. At $11 per kid, it was indeed worth the price. However, all this did not impress my my three year old daughter who was terrified after having caught a fish. It was them my wife and me doing the fishing bit. I must say that the fishing bit was very exhaustive. Infact i was passing a comment to my wife that I seem to exert myself more at the fishing than a complete week at work! LOL. We managed to catch some fishes and gave it off to our friends for them coz we were not too sure of a place to grow them.
After the fishing it was the feeding bit. The fishes were big with mouth as big as they'd probably eat a kebab or a spring roll ;-) The fish feed however never seemed to turn them away. While my kid and me stayed away from the feeding bit, worried if it would bite us, my wife was bold enough (as usual) to try her hand in feeding the fishes and even touching them (horrified aftert she touched the fishes is a different story). We later has some food and moved onto the aquarium, the koi farm and the pet department store in quick succession to escape from the scorching sun.
Back home at 1:30 pm. Phew...